Top 10 Strange Things Cats Do and Why They Do Them

Manilla Buch Johnsson

Nov 13 2023

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Anyone who’s had the privilege of living with a cat knows that our little feline friends are highly independent while also being affectionate and loving (in their own way, that is).

With that being said, there is no doubt that when you choose to adopt a cat, you are going for the free-spirited pet.

On top of being self-relying and immensely adorable, felines can sometimes act in ways that leave their human companions perplex.

From curious cat noises to very long grooming sessions, experts have analyzed cat behavior to provide science-backed explanations for these intriguing cat ways and have come to some surprising conclusions.

We’ve gathered some of our favorite (and probably also the strangest) cat behaviors and the potential meaning behind them.

After all, it does seem like our feline friends haven’t just been sprinting in the middle of the night because they want to wake everyone in the house up.

Want to know the best part? It turns out that your cat might’ve been trying to show you that it loves you all along.

Here’s a list of 10 cat behaviors that seem strange but might have a hidden meaning:

Strange Cat Behaviors Explained

Looking For Water in Unexpected Places

Have you ever found yourself wondering why cats ignore their bowl of seemingly fresh water? It’s resting by their cat food bowl, but instead, they choose to rush towards any source of running water to drink from instead. This is common, so know that you’re not alone.

You may have also noticed, or know from common facts about cats, that our beloved felines have a complicated relationship with water. If you’ve ever tried bathing your cat, you know exactly what this means.

It turns out that these elements are interconnected! Cats like to approach water on their own and do not appreciate having it imposed on them.

When it comes to their drinking bowls, unlike cat food, water is odorless, making it impossible for a cat to detect unless it dips its paw in it to cause some movement.

Next time you see your cat rushing to a faucet to drink the dripping water, know that it is because the water’s movement and sounds are what attracted it.

Midnight Sprinting

Night sprinting is probably not a cat owner’s favorite, and you have probably been wondering “why do cats do that” a time or two, especially since these sprints can cause noise and make you worried about leaving your cat running around alone in the dark.

It appears that these midnight running sessions are common in domesticated cats. Night sprints are caused by high energy levels, of which the cat didn’t burn off during the day (thank you, midday naps).

To avoid having your cat run around your house at night, it is essential to help it keep a regular activity schedule. Try having some playtime with your cat during the day.

cat with plant

Knocking Things Over

While you may think that your cat is just trying to annoy you by knocking your favorite book off your coffee table or bed stand, it probably is not the case.

Cats are curious beings, and chances are your little one is just trying to have a feel of the objects it is dropping or is bored. Try providing your kitty with suitable toys and keeping your fragile possessions at bay!

Also, please keep in mind that your cat is behaving instinctively, so be gentle and patient with our little feline friends, always.

Endless Grooming Sessions

You’ve seen it. We’ve seen it. Everyone has seen it. This cat behavior is one of the primary sources of human curiosity.

So why do cats groom themselves for so long? Here’s the deal: grooming is, in fact, an essential part of the self-care regimen of cats.

In addition to that, felines use their saliva to condition themselves to the weather and keep warm. This is why the grooming process might take even longer in the colder months.

To maintain your furry one’s healthy coat, make sure to feed it healthy cat food. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian.

Kneading Fictional Dough

Is your cat trying to make a cat food version of pizza?

Kneading is common in felines, and your cat might be doing it for many different reasons, like preparing its sleeping place, showing you that it is comfortable and relaxed, or marking its territory.

Bottom line: your cat wants to show you that it is comfortable in your presence.

Getting Into Small Spaces

Every cat parent knows that boxes attract cats in unexplainable ways.

In fact, one scientific study showed that cardboard boxes contribute to short-term stress relief in cats.

So, if you are aware that your little furry friend enjoys playing with boxes, it can be a good idea to provide safe cardboard boxes for it to play with.

cat in a box

Ignoring You (Unless There’s Cat Food Involved)

If you’re a cat parent, chances are you’ve had more than one micro heartbreak when you called your feline friend, and it paid you no mind.

A scientific report published in 2019 concludes that cats can “discriminate their names.” Plainly put, cats may be able to recognize their names being called but voluntarily choose to ignore it.

Now before you conclude that your cat doesn’t like you, know that although the relationship between humans and domestic cats goes way back, the communication between the two species is not very thoroughly researched.

Your cat probably has a good reason for only responding to you if you’re offering healthy cat food or treats. It might be linked to its instinctive nature.

Blinking At You

Now here’s one to warm your heart: when your cat blinks at you after you maintain eye contact for a few seconds, it could mean that it trusts you and is trying to communicate that to you.

The blinking is a sign that your cat feels safe and that it wants you to know it. Feel free to mirror this behavior to let your furry friend know that it is indeed safe and loved.

Rolling and Rolling

Another way that your cat lets you know it feels safe living with you is if it rolls on your surfaces and at your feet. Your feline buddy could also be showing you that it wants to play.

Another interesting fact is that by rolling, your cat is working on marking a territory as its own (you heard it, that carpet may not be so much yours anymore). Your cat does that by transferring its smell to the surface, it is rolling on.

cat rolling

Mistaking You for Cat Food (or Not)

This behavior is proof of affection and love. Yes, your cat nibbles on your finger because it loves you. Not because it has mistaken you for a tasty cat food treat.

These little bites are very different from defensive cat behavior used to protect themselves and instead are used to show affection and invite you to play. Your kitty’s nibbles won’t cut or hurt you, and they attest to your pet’s love and trust.

Speaking of nibbles, make sure to check out our reviews for top pet food services to be able to pick the best healthy cat food for your little furry friend.

Final Word

Cats are highly independent animals. Yet, it does not mean that they will lack ways to express their love to their human friends.

From cat noises such as purrs to blinking at you and nibbling on your fingers, your feline companion shows you that it feels safe around you and that it is happy and thriving.

An excellent way to keep your cat happy is to keep it well-fed, which is why our top-rated brands are dedicated to providing fresh and healthy cat food options.

Head to our reviews section for more information to help you choose your cat’s next meal plan.

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