Don’t Eat This! 10 Foods That Your Dog Should Definitely Avoid

Shivam Bhateja

Mar 05 2024

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Just like humans, dogs are what they eat. And when we talk about dog food, you cannot feed them whatever you are eating. They have special nutritional needs that human food cannot fulfill. This is why you should consider knowing about healthy dog food. Along with that, you should be clearly aware of the food that is harmful to your food. Unknowingly, you may be feeding your pup with food that is hindering their health. In this article, we are highlighting some dangerous dog food that your pet should steer clear from:

  • Onion And Garlic

If you have onion and garlic in the meal, do share the leftover with your dog. Onions, garlic, and leeks belong to the allium plant family that can break down your dog’s red blood cells. This can result in your pup becoming anemic. Garlic is five times more toxic than other allium plants. If you have been feeding your dog with onion and garlic, it could experience symptoms of anemia such as vomiting, weakness, lack of appetite, breathlessness, etc.

  • Chocolate And Caffeine

Many dog owners are aware of the harmful effects of chocolate as dog food. But caffeine is also dangerous dog food. This is because these contain substances known as methylxanthines. When your pet consumes this substance, it can cause panting, diarrhea, vomiting, hyperactivity, excessive urination and thirst, abnormal heart rate, seizure, etc.

If the quantity of the substance increases, it can even result in the death of your dog. Dark chocolate is more harmful than milk chocolate as the latter has a low level of methylxanthines.

  • Candy And Gum

Keep the candies and gums out of your dog’s reach. These generally have a sweetener known as Xylitol, a component also found in diet foods and toothpaste. All the sweets that claim to be sugar-free have this substance in them.

If your dog consumes Xylitol, it can result in a spike in insulin. This can be bad for its blood sugar and cause liver damage. So make sure it is not included in your dog food; instead, opt for fresh dog food made from healthy ingredients.

  • Plums And Peaches

Many think that fruits are healthy natural dog food, but they can be harmful. So if you are living in an area with plum and peach trees, be careful that your dog doesn’t reach them. Although fruits are not the issue, it’s their pits that cause the trouble.

Pits can result in intestinal blockage, which can be quite serious. Additionally, the pits also have cyanide, which is harmful to both pets and humans. While humans know to avoid the pits, dogs continue to eat them as well.

  • Raisins And Grapes

The next item on our list of harmful dog food is raisins and grapes. The components of these fruits that are toxic to dogs are not known yet. But eating raisins and grapes can result in kidney failure; therefore, it should be completely avoided.

The way your dog responds to these fruits may vary depending on the size and breed. However, even a handful of raisins and grapes can be quite harmful. Even a couple of raisins can send your pooch directly to the ER.

  • Macadamia Nuts

This is another item that you would have thought to be healthy, fresh dog food, but it is not. Keep your macadamia nuts hidden from your furry buddy. They are one of the worst dog foods that you can serve your little pet. Even a few macadamia nuts can make your pet ill, irrespective of whether they are raw or roasted.

The poisoning can be visible through muscle tremors, paralysis, or vomiting. Moreover, after consumption, the symptoms may last between 12 and 48 hours, based on the dosage. Even if your dog ends up accidentally eating it, you should take it seriously.

toxic dog food

  • Salt

Consuming sodium excessively can result in thirst and urination, resulting in sodium ion poisoning. Many of us make it a point to drink a lot of water throughout the day, especially the moment we feel thirsty. Unfortunately, we often overlook our pet’s need to intake water.

Salty food like chips can make your dog dehydrate, causing a lot of health issues. Although 1 or 2 chips won’t have a significant impact, it is better to keep your dog away from sodium. Healthy dog food is low in sodium to maintain your pup’s overall well-being.

  • Avocados

You might be shocked to see avocados on the list. Although they are extremely beneficial for humans, like dog food, they do not have the same potentials. Avocados contain persin, a component that can be highly toxic for pets. Persin can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, heart congestion, among other food.

So they are not natural dog food with lots of benefits. Along with persin being in the fruits themselves, it is also present in the leaves, pits, and barks of the tree. So if you have an avocado tree near your region, keep your dogs away.

  • Medications For Humans

While it should be a no-brainer, we have seen cases where people have treated their dogs’ with human medicines. The Advil you take for a headache will not work the same for your pet. Do not become a pharmacist for your pet unless you have a clear direction from the veterinarian. Human medications contain certain ingredients such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which are deadly for dogs.

  • Fat Trimmings

Dogs love fat trimmings and bones, and you might have given them the leftover meat from your plate, right? It turns out, too much fat trimmings can cause pancreatitis in pets, also known as an inflamed pancreas. Additionally, bones can cause domestic dogs to choke. Moreover, if the bones splinter, it can become harmful for digestion.

dog eating carrot

The Importance Of Choosing Healthy Dog Food

There are six essential components of a dog’s diet including carbohydrates, proteins, water, vitamins, fats, and minerals. Although dog food generally has these ingredients, the quality and ratio are what makes the whole difference.

You need to constantly monitor what your dog is consuming to ensure it is getting the required amount of nutrients. Make sure you are educated about the components that are beneficial for your dogs and the ones that they should steer clear from.

Moreover, there are many dog food companies out there, but not all of them offer the same quality. Many of them use synthetic products and artificial ingredients to make their food packages. These ingredients can be harmful to your dog in the long run. Instead, you should go for companies that use natural products to make fresh dog food.

Companies like Darwin’s Natural Pet Products and Spot&Tango have been making healthy dog food from the best of the ingredients. These platforms allow you to get personalized packages for your pet based on its health requirements. This makes it easier for you to manage the nutritional requirements of your pup.

Final Thoughts

If you want to keep your dogs healthy, give them fresh dog food that is specially made for them. You can check out our reviews of different dog food services. We go in-depth to review every aspect of their services so that you can make an informed decision. From ingredients, and plans to pet services and customer support, we explore all the factors that are important to select the right dog food.

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