Causes of Cancer in Dogs
Like humans, dogs can die from cancer. According to the study done by the Veterinary Cancer Society, cancer causes more deaths in dogs than any other disease. The study showed that 47 percent of dogs die from cancer. Most of these populations are dogs over 10 years of age.
If you are a pet owner, you might find these numbers alarming. So what are the common types of cancer in dogs? And what are the causes of this disease? Read on to get the answers to these and other questions related to cancer in dogs.
Common Types of Cancer in Dogs
Various kinds of cancer have been found to affect dogs. Check the common cancer types in dogs below.
Mammary gland carcinomas
Mammary gland carcinomas are one of the common kinds of cancer in dogs. It can affect every breed of an unspayed female dog. According to the National Library of Medicine, the higher rates of cancer in female dogs than male dogs are attributed to the high rate of mammary cancer. The disease starts as small nodules around the dog’s nipple. If ignored, the nodule can grow quickly to form a large and painful tumor.
This is another common cancer in dogs. It can affect any dog breed. Besides, it is more severe in dogs than in human beings. If you notice swollen lymph nodes under your dog’s jaw, behind her knees, or in front of her jaws, get your vet to check for lymphoma. This type of cancer causes difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Mast cell tumors
Mast cell tumors mainly affect the golden retriever breed. This type of cancer primarily affects the skin. However, it can spread to other parts of the dog’s body. Common signs of this cancer include vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.
Melanoma is another cancer that commonly affects dogs. Some of the most affected breeds are Doberman, chow chows, Pinschers, and Scottish terriers. Melanoma arises from melanocytes and mainly affects dark-skinned canines. Small tumors may start forming in the mouth or forelimbs. These tumors then usually spread fast to other body parts making the disease impossible to cure.
This type of cancer in dogs is also known as bone cancer. It mainly affects the large dog breeds. Osteosarcoma contains tumors originating from the skeletal system. The disease primarily affects the bones bordering the knee, wrist, and shoulders.
Causes of Dog Cancer
In a 1981 report by Richard Doll and Richard Peto, Oxford University epidemiologists, human cancer is caused by various factors. The report indicated that 1/3 of cancer cases were caused by smoking and 1/3 by diet choices. The rest of the cancer cases were said to be caused by the environment, Viruses, genetics, and other unknown causes.
Research resulting from Richard Doll and Peto’s report asserted that cancer could be prevented. This means, that cancer in dogs too could be significantly reduced if pet owners observed a balanced diet and good lifestyles for their pets. Take a look at the common causes of cancer in dogs below.
Environmental Factors
Studies done by various groups have linked environmental toxins to dog cancer. For instance, secondhand cigarette smoke has led to the accumulation of carcinogens in the pet’s body tissues. Studies show that this smoke results in the formation of tumors in the dog’s lungs and nose.
Bladder cancer in Scottish terriers has also been linked to exposure of these pets to herbicides and insecticides.
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors have been found to cause cancer in specific breeds. A few of the most popular breeds include Scottish terriers that risk getting transitional cell carcinomas (bladder cancer) and golden retrievers known for lymphosarcoma. Other breeds with high chances of being affected by genetic factors include German shepherds, Bernese mountain dogs, and flat-coated retrievers.
Age has been considered the primary cause of most cancers. Although it is not known exactly how age leads to cancer, most elderly dogs have been witnessed to develop cancer than younger dogs. As a dog gets old, the immune system becomes weaker. This may lower the dog’s ability to deal with mutated cells.
Viruses can create cancer too. For example, if a dog is infected by papillomavirus, it has a high chance of developing papillom (oral skin tumors). This cancer usually affects young dogs. Fortunately, this type of cancer resolves without treatment.
Carcinogens have also been found to cause cancer. Several researchers believe that ultraviolet light contributes to some skin cancer. For instance, exposing white dogs to sunlight for a long time may lead to squamous cell carcinoma development.
Sex hormones are another known cause of cancer in dogs. When female dogs are spayed in one to two heat cycles, their chances of getting mammary adenocarcinoma increase.
Cancer is a common disease in dogs caused by poor nutrition. A lifetime study on the effects of diet restriction was done on Labrador retriever dogs between the control-fed and restricted-fed groups. The restricted-fed group was offered 25% less intake. The researchers found out that the restricted-fed group lived longer. Dogs in this group also averagely died 2 years later than the control-fed group in cancer-related deaths.
On the other hand, researchers have looked into the possibility of highly processed food causing dog cancer. For example, Kibble foods, the common processed food for dogs, may not directly cause dog cancer. However, its way of processing and its ingredient contents could cause problems.
Cancer can also be common in low-cost food. Such foods mostly contain aflatoxins. When aflatoxins bind with the DNA, they may cause cell mutation.
Homemade dog food could also pose a danger for the development of cancer. Pet nutritional experts warn that homemade food could contain an unbalanced diet. For example, if the diet contains more carbohydrates, you might be risking your furry friend’s cancer.
Signs of Cancer in Dogs
Early detection may work for the good of your dog. For example, humans are advised to take regular medical check-ups. In this case, if diseases such as cancer are detected, they can be diagnosed. You can also save your dog from the wrath of cancer if you detect it early. So how can you detect cancer in dogs? Check out the signs below.
- Loss of appetite
- Difficulty urinating or defecating
- Stubborn sores
- Abnormal growth of swellings
- Discharge from body openings
- Lameness
Cancer Prevention in Dogs
Different researchers believe cancer in dogs can be prevented. This starts with questioning the known causes of various cancer types. In the same way, take a look at the dog cancer prevention measures below.
- Spaying your dog
Spaying your female furry friend might reduce her risk of developing breast cancer. This spaying should be done before her first heat.
- Control obesity
Cancer is a common disease in dogs associated with obesity. A lifetime study mentioned early that was conducted on Golden retriever shows that overweight dogs had high chances of developing cancer. Therefore, knowing the Causes and solutions of obesity in dogs could be your first step to controlling several types of cancer in dogs.
Fresh food, too, has been recommended by most pet nutritionists to control obesity. To make work more manageable, you might want to opt for pet food companies that offer fresh food made from fresh ingredients.
- Adopt proper nutrition
Nutrition does more than controlling obesity. Proper nutrition will contain a balanced diet for your dog. Processed and homemade foods might contain a balanced diet but fail to be free of aflatoxins and other dangerous substances that cause cancer. This means you need food you can trust with fresh ingredients and well cooked for the safety of your furry friend.
For instance, certified food companies like SPOT & TANGO and The Farmer’s Dog can offer fresh food to keep your dog healthy. The best part is, these companies offer affordable packages delivered at your door.
- Protect your dog from toxins
A study done by Italian vets showed that dogs exposed to industrial areas, paints, solvents, and waste management facilities developed lymphoma at an early age compared to other dogs not exposed to such substances. So keeping your canine companion away from these substances could significantly keep her free from lymphoma.
- Avoid smoking next to your dog
Smoking is not only dangerous to human beings. Dogs exposed to secondhand smoke are at a high risk of getting nasal cancer.
- Minimize the time your dog gets exposed to sunlight
Ultraviolet light in the sunlight has been associated with skin cancer in most dog breeds. This is worse in white dogs. Keeping your dog from prolonged exposure to sunlight could reduce the chances of skin cancer.
There are several causes of cancer in dogs. Fortunately, several types of this cancer can be prevented. As seen earlier, diet choice and environmental factors lead to dog cancer causes. This means you can keep your dog safe from cancer by adopting a proper diet and good practices for the dog.
If you have been offering kibble foods, it is time to shift to real food. You can rely on our top-rated brands to offer a personalized recipe of fresh food for your pet. It could be the beginning of keeping aflatoxins, excess carbohydrates, and dangerous substances away from your canine friend.
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